James Harris | Toxic Relationship Habits and How To Break Them

Season #1 Episode #16

Man just EXPRESS yourself, is how James Harris the founder of @men_to_heal helps bring awareness to the stigma surrounding MENtal HEALth.

James is a Licensed MENtal HEALth Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Clinical MENtal HEALth Counseling.

As most of us, James chose his career paths based on his passion to help others work through the trauma and pains that he has overcome.

At age five James lost his father, age eight, his mother began to have strokes and epilepsy and he and his siblings became wards of the State. 

James has been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. He had tried many failed attempts at therapy and found he could not connect or relate to the counselors

Born out of his struggles, James created Men To Heal, a movement to bring awareness to the stigma surrounding MENtal HEALth among boys/men and underserved populations.

During the podcast he shared many great nuggets on how to get your man to open up, why he simply won’t talk, overcoming jealousy, and an actionable plan to turn your toxic relationship habits around.

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James Harris


IG @men_to_heal


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